Human capital plays an fundamental role in ensuring the sustainability of the TMT Group's businesses. As such, the TMT Group strategically and systematically analyzes its human capital needs on a continuous basis, while continuously monitoring the quality and quantity of its existing employees.
Bridging the gap between its existing human capital and its needs, the TMT Group has formulated a number of comprehensive training programs at Group level that have been cascaded down to subsidiaries to bridge any gaps between existing human capital and human capital needs, through a Leadership Development Program, Integrated Talent Management, and workshops on company's values to socialize the Group's vision and mission and strengthen the core values of the Company. Examples of programs that subsidiary companies have carried out within the TMT Group in order to create future potential leaders include Management Trainee, the Management Development Program as well as the Officer Development Program, which have produced several leaders within the TMT Group.
These programs are developed and implemented by subsidiaries as needed, in accordance with the nature of each company's line of business. Moreover, the TMT Group also works together with various educational institutions to attract talented individuals while continuing to fulfill TMT's commitment to create meaningful working opportunities for as many Indonesians as possible.
In addition to competency development, employees are encouraged to balance work with social activities. Competitions and sports activities, musical and artistic activities, group events and family outings are some of the events sponsored by the TMT Group with the intention of strengthening ties and foster good relationships between employees as well as with management, for better communication and strong corporate culture.
The employees are proud to be members of TMT Group family, and TMT appreciates the dedication and loyalty that they have demonstrated through Service Year Award.
To support business continuity, employee engagement surveys are carried out periodically by the Group through Employee Engagement Surveys (EES) and the results are used to adjust its human capital management strategy to achieve maximum effectiveness and productivity from its workforce.