TMT also manifests its responsibilities as a corporate citizen through health programs. TMT believes that a healthy environment and healthy community is essential to the creation of a productive new generation. The company believes that health is the key and basis for creating a quality life for the Indonesian people. By implementing a series of programs in the health pillar, the Company Group ensures that everyone has equal access to health services, clean water, and proper sanitation facilities and has a comprehensive understanding of how important health is in everyday life.
CSR programs in the Health pillar include providing access to clean water, building environmental sanitation, providing assistance with posyandu facilities and activities, health education in schools and companies, food security programs, providing donations to social health institutions, organizing blood donations, HIV/AIDS prevention programs in the work environment, to achieve “zero accidents” during working hours.
The Company Group also actively participated during the pandemic by providing vaccination centers for vaccines 1 and 2 in several cities where the Company Group is located to support efforts to accelerate the vaccination movement in Indonesia. Trakindo also did the same thing and presented vaccination centers in two cities, namely Makassar and Sorong. By providing 6000 doses of vaccine 1 and 2 for the surrounding community.
TMT through one of it’s subsidiary, MahaDasha, was rolling out the "Food Security" Program to ensure the health and nutritional intake of residents affected by COVID-19 by targeting community members in Petir-Dramaga Village, Bogor through the construction of Green Houses, Aquaponic Installations, and Freshwater Fish Ponds aimed at creating community resilience in meeting food needs while providing easy access to meet nutritional food needs sustainably.