Compassionate Relief
In times of natural disasters in Indonesia, TMT actively engages in delivering relief assistance, both directly as well as through third parties. Compassionate relief initiatives include mobilization of heavy machinery where needed, fund-raising, and assisting communities with post-disaster economic recovery. In the past, examples relief activities carried out by TMT and its subsidiaries include initiatives during Cianjur earthquake, the mount Semeru eruption, the Manado floods, the Mount Sinabung eruptions, Jakarta floods, Yogyakarta earthquakes, Merapi eruption, Aceh tsunami, Mentawai tsunami, Wasior floods, and the Padang earthquake several years ago. Compassionate relief is not only channelled through the Group at times of disaster, but is also carried out entering the recovery phase to support the economic recovery of communities impacted by the disaster.
TMT together with its subsidiaries stand ready to assist as an embodiment of its commitment to the Indonesian people. Through its CSR program, TMT wishes to tangibly benefit all stakeholders including the community to achieve its final objective of sustainable development.
Awards for the Holding and Subsidiary Companies
A series of CSR awards successfully earned by the subsidiaries under Group's reflect the Group's seriousness in carrying out its social responsibilities. Trakindo Pekanbaru branch won an HIV/AIDS Prevention and Treatment Program in the workplace award from the Government of Pekanbaru City in December 2011, and a Gold category award from the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration in December 2012; PT Sumberdaya Sewatama won the Best CSR program award at the PR Awards held by SWA magazine; PT Tunas Inti Abadi successfully achieved the Environmental Performance Rating Program (PROPER) “Green” category for 2012-2013 from the Ministry of Environment; and PT Cipta Kridatama (CK), represented by CK Arutmin Batu Licin Site, won a “Silver” category award for the Creating Access to Drinkable/Clean Water and Environmental Sanitation program at Mekarsari Village, Tanah Bumbu Villa Sub-Regency, South Kalimantan from Gelar Karya Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (GKPM) supported by the Corporate Forum for Community Development (CFCD), working together with the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemenkokesra) and PT Cendekia Mulia Komunikasi (CMK).